Put on the Whole Armor of God

The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:10-13 that during dark and evil days, we need to be “strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” For this is not a physical warfare, but a spiritual one. We should, therefore, deal with it as such. In this scripture, the apostle urges us to put on the “whole armor of God” so we may stand against the multitude of evil things Satan can send our way.

Satan is deceitful. He attacks us subtly and when we least expect him. Hence, we should prepare daily to protect ourselves against him. Theologians and other spiritual leaders believe we do this by strengthening our alignment with God—becoming active participants in our relationship with God. According to these spiritual leaders, we can do this by engaging in the following practices daily:

  1. The Practice of Prayer. (This is a process whereby our souls enter into communion with God).
  2. The Practice of Acknowledging the Presence of God. (Make a habit of recognizing God in all circumstances and decisions.)
  3. The Practice of Immersing Oneself in Scripture. (When we immerse ourselves deeply in the Christian story—which begins with God’s promises to Abraham and continues to present times—through reading, listening, memorizing, and meditating, we become a part of the story).
  4. The Practice of Imitating Biblical Heroes of Faith. (These are role models for learning what it is like to inherit God’s promises through faith and patience) (Hebrews 6:12). Some examples would be Abraham, Moses, David, Rahab, and Martha.

By remembering these practices and practicing them daily, we will realize more fully the peace, love, joy, and hope that the closeness of God brings.



Walter Thomas Conner, Christian Doctrine, (Nashville, Tennessee: Broadman, 1937): 233.

Chan, Spiritual Theology, 148 -149.

Carl Evans

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