SPIRITUAL FOOD: We Need Jesus to Guide Us
“We Need Jesus to Guide Us”
As I continue on my spiritual journey, I become increasingly aware of my profound need for Jesus to accompany me through life, by way of the Holy Spirit.
There exists a popular African-American spiritual called “I Want Jesus to Walk with Me.” In its opening verse, the unknown writer articulates a longing for Jesus’ presence throughout his/her pilgrimage. In subsequent verses, the writer expresses his desire for Jesus to walk beside him, particularly during trials and moments of profound sorrow. Various individuals from the church added their own verses over time, including a personal favorite of mine: “Be my guide, Lord, be my guide. All along this tedious journey, I want Jesus to be my guide.”
This song serves as a reminder that an internal battle rages within us: the human spirit versus the Holy Spirit (Romans 7:21-23). Our everyday encounters keep us connected to our human emotions, often tempting us to react based on our flawed human nature, likely leading to sinful behavior (Romans 7:18-19). However, if we are attentive, the Holy Spirit is ever-present, ready to keep us on the right path. Although we may never escape this struggle (Romans 7:24-25), we can reach a point where we acknowledge this reality and actively seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
It is not solely a matter of wanting Jesus to walk with me; I am convinced that I truly “need” Jesus to be my constant companion on this journey.
Lyrics to: I Want Jesus to Walk With Me https://hymnary.org/text/i_want_jesus_to_walk_with_me
See other related posts: SPIRITUAL FOOD: To Be Born of the Spirit, SPIRITUAL FOOD: Hearing the Holy Spirit
Carl A. Evans, Author of “A Closer Walk”